
Lucas Carneiro

Full-Stack Developer

Bethesda, MD


(301) 646-3037
















Work Experience

Personal Project
2019 Current

Created a fully functional realtime desktop application to perform backtesting and automatic trading of options contracts by interfacing with the Robinhood API.

  • Utilized object oriented principles such as classes, inheritance, abstraction, logging, and design patterns including observers, singletons, mediators, and templates to make the code more modular, extensible and easier to maintain.
  • Setup my own multipurpose linux server at home using a Raspberry Pi serving as a database (SQLite, PostgreSQL) to store application information such as user accounts, securities data, and trades performed, a personal email server (postfix, Dovecot), and a personal web server (apache2) used to host this web page.
  • Utilized security principles such as encryption and hashing of sensitive data, server hardening (SSL/TLS, firewall, fail2ban), and mitigating code-level vulnerabilities (no hard-coded credentials, input validation).
  • Incorporated the build automation tool Meson to make sure the application would be usable cross-platform.


University of California - Berkeley
2013 - 2019

PhD in Physical Chemistry

Designed and performed experiments using femtosecond, extreme ultraviolet, pulsed laser spectroscopy that investigated solid state materials relevant for solar energy conversion. Leveraged Python in order to analyze and publish results in peer reviewed academic journals such as Nature, Journal of Physical Chemistry, and Structural Dynamics.

  • Attained proficiency in Python packages such as Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, and Statsmodels by performing data cleaning, analysis, modeling and plotting.
  • Used autocad to design experimental apparatus improvements such as a novel gas jet device used to cool thin film surfaces to prevent thermal breaking.
  • Collaborated with a team of interdisciplinary researchers on several successful multi-million dollar DOE grant proposals.

Saint Mary's College of Maryland
2009 - 2013

Bachelor's of Chemistry and Mathematics

  • REU at NIST for 3 summers investigating the effects of bulk heterojunction topologies on organic photovoltaic solar energy conversion performance.

Selected Publications

University of California - Berkeley

Carneiro, L., Cushing, S., Liu, C. et al. Excitation-wavelength-dependent small polaron trapping of photoexcited carriers in α-Fe2O3. Nature Mater 16, 819–825 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/nmat4936

Porter, I., Cushing, S., Carneiro, L., et al. Photoexcited Small Polaron Formation in Goethite (α-FeOOH) Nanorods Probed by Transient Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9 (14), 4120-4124 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b01525

Cushing, S., Zürch, M., Kraus, P., Carneiro, L., et al. Hot phonon and carrier relaxation in Si(100) determined by transient extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy. Struct Dyn 5 (5), 054302 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5038015